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1776 Park Ave #4
PMB 429
Park City UT 84060
Like you, I have had enough of politicians toeing the party lines and overlooking the wellbeing of the American people. Utahns are shouldering unprecedented hardships but with the right representatives, we have the opportunity to pave a glorious path forward.
Hello, I’m Glenn Wright and I want to tell you a story about the American Dream.
You see, I am the grandson of immigrants.
Like many of you, my family immigrated through Ellis Island with empty pockets and heart full of the American Dream. America was the land of opportunity. With hard work and dedication, they could raise a family, purchase a home and car, and still have savings in the bank. They worked hard like they were supposed to and made the American Dream a reality for our family.
Even for an eighth-grade drop out, reliable employment was possible for my Dad. He was a blue-collar breadwinner who was able to support his family while earning pennies on the dollar.
Like all families in America, my Fathers goal was to support his family and prosper. And that is exactly what he did. At the same time, my Dad instilled in us that all Americans should have equal opportunity to prosper. Dad was true to his word and participated in causes that contributed to the betterment of all Americans, such as unions.
He was a union man during the Great Depression and believed in a union’s purpose - banding the blue-collar workforce together for equal economic benefit. When Fascism threatened the American Dream, Dad volunteered for the army. He knew that the American Dream his generation built was worth defending.
From the 1930’s through the 1970’s, Americans built a society where a living wage was the norm. We know this to be true because much of America’s history and society is built upon hardship transformed into prosperity.
I was fortunate enough to be raised in a time when society allowed an average working person to comfortably buy a house, feed a family of four, purchase a car, and still have money left to save. The Greatest Generation built the foundation with everything they had for the Boomer Generation to Prosper.
Since the 1980’s, the flourishing American Dream and lifestyle has diminished. Hard work is no longer enough. The shining city on a hill is no longer a guarantee. Our children and grandchildren are not promised the same prosperous future that I was. We are all witnessing the impact of our back-sliding economy and the increasing income distribution gap. We cannot go backward any longer.
I am a modern family man. I am an adoptive parent with multiracial and LGBTQ+ identifying family members. I am a grandparent. I am also an aerospace engineering graduate, Vietnam combat veteran, and pilot. My time serving my country has made me a loyal supporter of the Constitution, a fair democracy, and the new American Dream. But as each year passes, I witness the American Dream of my childhood slip further and further away.
Like you, I have had enough of politicians toeing party lines and overlooking the wellbeing of the American people. Short-term thinking has contributed to the disintegration of the American Dream and has blocked our ability to prosper. The time to be proactive about the future is now. Utahns are shouldering unprecedented hardships but with the right representatives, we have the opportunity to pave a glorious path forward.
Working together and taking initiative, we can pave the path to prosperity.
Through my service as a Summit County Councilman and working on the Utah Association of Counties board, I have witnessed first hand the everyday struggles of Utahns. I have seen how Utahns can benefit from their representatives working with diverse political backgrounds and opinions. It is possible. No Utahns should face threats to their economic security and freedom nor shoulder the unprecedented challenges imposed upon them by decision of the privileged few. That’s why a path to prosperity solidified by liberty is the way forward. We can continue to work to solve the following:
Utahns, the path to prosperity and freedom is possible. The opportunity is in our hands. Wealth for the few has led to attacks on the Constitution and your freedom. I will preserve, protect, and defend this path forward with your support.
The choice is yours. The vote is yours.
Glenn Wright for Congress.
Wife, Shirley
Son, Matt & Daughter-in Law, Shannon with grandchildren Morgan & Devin
Daughter, Carla & grand-cat Odin
Son, Joseph with grandsons Joe & Miles